To: List A
am pleased to invite applications for the following research fellowships to
promote international exchange and collaboration:
HKU Overseas
Fellowship Awards;
Early Career Mobility Funds;
Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowships.
2. Given
the increasing importance of collaborative efforts in research process, the
above programmes were introduced by the University
Research Committee (URC) with University funding to support visits to overseas
institutions for research collaboration and academic exchange.
3. The visits under the above programmes
are expected to take place in the academic year 2025-26, i.e. from September 1, 2025 to August 31,
2026. For the HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards, Glasgow/HKU
Early Career Mobility Funds, and King’s/HKU Fellowship Awards, the period of
visit to the overseas institution should not be less than one month, and
the visit can be
advanced to the summer months of 2025 under special circumstances, subject to prior
approval. Any
subsequent requests to defer the visit to after August 31, 2026 will not be
considered. Detailed information on the objectives, eligibility,
application procedures and selection criteria for awards of the four programmes are provided at Annex I
(documents 238-241/1123 amended).
4. Would
Deans/Heads kindly promulgate the contents of this circular to all relevant
staff members and PhD students in your Faculty/Department. A copy of the circular has also been posted
on the Research Services website.
Applications should be submitted online through the Research Information
Management System (RIMS) via HKU Portal for Head’s and Dean’s endorsement
before the Faculties’ internal deadline.
Deans of Faculties are invited to comment on each application, and if
there is more than one application for each programme,
to rank the applications and provide a brief rationale for the ranking. Faculties should submit the applications to
Research Services via RIMS by February 10, 2025.
5. Priority
will be given to candidates who have not participated in these international
fellowships funded by the University Research Committee in recent years.
6. Should
you have any queries, please contact Mr. Edmond Yeung (tel:
3917 1112; email: or Miss
Jade Ho (tel: 3917 4588; email: of Research Services.
Professor Max Shen
Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
January 10, 2025
c.c. Faculty
Research Services